Life Oh Life !!
Of Thoughts & Thoughtlessness, Of Wisdom & Vices, Of experiences & Journeys, Of Love and the lack of it, of Fairytales and Grime Truth, Of Black & White and a lot of Grey.....
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
The Rising Sun
The rising sun
age old
yet new and inspiring
lighting up the world
with its soft pink rays;
just watching the familiar hues
dance on the still water
I return to emotions
that never truly left.
Just as the sun sets
it rises again
wide arms embracing a new day
An Ode to Vincent
If i had a time machine i would have spent a lifetime just being around him ,observing him , talking to him and may be wiping a few of his tears...I have spent a full day at Van gogh's museum and still came back empty & craving for more , as i felt there is so much to know about him and his works .I somehow can relate to him so much and each of his piantings .God knows how and why but whenever i see his work i tend to think what frame of mind he might have been at that moment. Read his complete life story , did a bit of research on the letters he wrote to Theo ( His brother ). I simply fail to understand why a genius is recognized post humous ! Does it need a lifetime for someone to get accredited for his work ? And why are all great men ( and women ) eccentric . Is eccentricity = genius or is it vice versa .
Glad that Don Mc lean composed something which is incredible :
Starry, starry night.
Paint your palette blue and grey,
Look out on a summer's day,
With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
Shadows on the hills,
Sketch the trees and the daffodils,
Catch the breeze and the winter chills,
In colors on the snowy linen land.
Now I understand what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they did not know how.
Perhaps they'll listen now.
Starry, starry night.
Flaming flowers that brightly blaze,
Swirling clouds in violet haze,
Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue.
Colors changing hue, morning field of amber grain,
Weathered faces lined in pain,
Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand.
Now I understand what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they did not know how.
Perhaps they'll listen now.
For they could not love you,
But still your love was true.
And when no hope was left in sight
On that starry, starry night,
You took your life, as lovers often do.
But I could have told you, Vincent,
This world was never meant for one
As beautiful as you.
Starry, starry night.
Portraits hung in empty halls,
Frameless head on nameless walls,
With eyes that watch the world and can't forget.
Like the strangers that you've met,
The ragged men in the ragged clothes,
The silver thorn of bloody rose,
Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.
Now I think I know what you tried to say to me,
How you suffered for your sanity,
How you tried to set them free.
They would not listen, they're not listening still.
Perhaps they never will...
Main Hoon..
Gar khuda hai ,aur khuda ki khudai hai.....
to main hoon
gar toofan hai , aur toofan se joojhti ek kashti hai..
to main hoon
gar aankhen hai , aur aankhen mein khawab hai...
to main hoon
gar kante hai, aur kanto mein lipti ek muskurati kali hai...
to main hoon
gar sir pe aasma hai, aur pairon ke niche ek tukda zameen....
to main hoon
gar aasha hai, aur vishwas hai ki kal suraj niklega...
to sumjho ki main hoon
Manpreet 15th June 2003 ( from my collection of poems )
Tiny Little thing called Heart
As a child while sitting on the edge of my terrace and looking at the stars, i always dreamt of a fairyland which is beyond moon or perhaps On the Moon . Some strange imagination ( totally filmy) white foggy land , waterfalls , butterflies shuttering from flowers to peaches, scented breeze ...Thanks to our lullaby and the great Indian cinema which paints a rosy picture of this world and makes that idealism stays with us...only thing is , we grow up in size but that little heart somewhere is still idealistic & full of dreams.
I do sometimes hate this part of my being but largely i am grateful for it ,as it gives me that innocence to trust and love god and its creation and to HOPE every time and in all times.
Many a times Ive hoped against hope and been cheated by life but largely ive come out more wiser and stronger, as my tiny heart still believes in those fairies and still HOPES and as long as i have the power of those four miraculous words i can conquer the world. What if i still dont conquer the world i think by then i would've conquered myself ..what a victory that shall be .
So my friends keep that tiny heart busy with dreams , hopes and anything which your mind might say "Unimaginable"...I still carry that little heart with me and that's my true companion.When it gets a bit run down by the pseudo ism around , i tell him listen my friend they dont know you nor they understand you , for you are the one which makes Life LIVE .
Life's Anatomy
Life as we all know has zillions of definitions , it is one topic on which thesis could be written and has been written. Zillions of poets have romanced with it , researchers have proved the validity of its being in sentient beings, Media is a bit lopsided by capturing only the so called worthy lives, NGO 's work for the lives of downtrodden, doctors claim to save it through each of their successful operations, biographies are written on the rich , famous and the Wise men, god men and spiritual masters claim to have tamed it and mastered it.
A birth of a child is called "arrival of Life", a by pass surgery of an 85 yr old is called "extension of life", a nano second that saved you from an accident is called a "miraculous life", an IIT IIM degree guarantees you a " successful Life", The Rs or dollars in your bank account determine your "Life's Identity" , a beggar on the street is called a "destitute life", a 12 year old working on a tea stall to earn his daily bread is called a "poor life", a magnaimous stardom is called a " celebrated life", a mediocre household is called if a " struggling life", a big car determines your "life's success quotient", a beautiful wife depicts a "life of marital bliss", a man who died yesterday succumbed to his circumstances is a "Life wasted", zillions who take birth , struggle and die are "lives lessor known". So what exactly is amongst all this, which we call LIFE?
Does it have any definition , any theory which can provide its nomenclature and genesis! do we really need to put it in definitions and theories. Is it not beyond everything and everyone. Every breath we inhale is life ... who defines which life is better or worst ? who possibly can ? when one does not even know the path one is gonna walk in this lifetime. How can one life be wretched and the other be blessed? isn't LIFE the same in every atom , neuron and proton of our beings. Don't we all breathe the same air alias O2?
Life doesn't need our definitions, LIFE tells us to Live in each nano second and to breathe and appreciate whatever it is giving our way. As we do not know the larger agenda life has for each one of us. All we have give back to life is our gratitude and acceptance, for we cant question as we are ignorant to the larger self. Each Life is precious and should be respected. Life is Eternal and is beyond comprehension of any human brain.
So do not DEFINE IT , LIVE IT, EXperience it, LOVE IT and above all Respect It.
( 7th June 2013, 16:12 hours , IST, By Manpreet Oberoi )
So here i am back in the lost world of emotions, of writings, of poetry and proses of few tears of joy & sorrow, of a search for life, of many good things and bad ones life has to offer, of all the concoctions of emotions and finally of a true purpose of Life…Life beckons you…this is my life. Writing and expressing my inner most heart. That's me…i was always like this but layered. The layer of " Oh you gotta be bahiving like this "…" oh you need to be financially strong"…" oh big girls don't cry"…"oh Boys can't be boy friends "…."Oh nights are shady"….today i stand here to break all those conditioning thoughts which engulfed my being for past 36 years. A soul that was wanting to break free and it could only fathom the grit to do it now.
Have ou ever pondered what we were when we were born and what we turn out to become. Half of it is totally against our true self and our path. Still we walk those path due to our so called moral & societal upbringing. I can't get those years back, the naive and intoxicated youth may be gone but the spirits alive. I feel liberated today as i write these words. Those notions and baggages have gone.
I feel i am ALIVE i feel blessed even in the most painful circumstances as i feel i am closest to what i should have been…i am now walking the path i was made to walk.
Amongst all the delusions life threw at me , i managed to clear the fog and walk alone….
The journey is beautiful than the destination….
Saturday, October 25, 2014
True Self
The Past that was
Strange is life and stranger is god's wisdom. The past that seemed so difficult and ugly is now seeming as if it was perhaps the best days of my life. Why is it that we don't appreciate people when they are with us , why only we miss them and realise their value when they are gone ...and some are gone forever.
I feel empty handed now as all i collected was pebbles in search of pearls, not realising it takes times to fish out pearls from the ocean. Maybe that's god's way of answering all the questions , things you never value ,people you never cherish go far away from our lives and we don't even realize how and when it happens as it happens so swiftly and when you open your eyes you find yourself in a rather stranger world.
One of my friend always had a quote to share and once he shared " a known devil is better than an unknown devil" how true is it in life.
If one keeps moving forward in search of better and better you only end up getting the worst , the bottom line is " acceptance" , acceptance form the heart for all the circumstances , people , situations in your life.
I couldn't spend much time with my father he left us so early , i hadn't even known what a father's love is when it vanished from my life. Today i look back and i miss so many wonderful people who were a part of my they are just memories.
I am still unable to see the silver lining to the dark clouds surrounding my life but i believe in god and i know the day will come soon when i would be free of the past.
I feel empty handed now as all i collected was pebbles in search of pearls, not realising it takes times to fish out pearls from the ocean. Maybe that's god's way of answering all the questions , things you never value ,people you never cherish go far away from our lives and we don't even realize how and when it happens as it happens so swiftly and when you open your eyes you find yourself in a rather stranger world.
One of my friend always had a quote to share and once he shared " a known devil is better than an unknown devil" how true is it in life.
If one keeps moving forward in search of better and better you only end up getting the worst , the bottom line is " acceptance" , acceptance form the heart for all the circumstances , people , situations in your life.
I couldn't spend much time with my father he left us so early , i hadn't even known what a father's love is when it vanished from my life. Today i look back and i miss so many wonderful people who were a part of my they are just memories.
I am still unable to see the silver lining to the dark clouds surrounding my life but i believe in god and i know the day will come soon when i would be free of the past.
There's a lot that goes on in the mind. Is it a journey? or is it a karmic pattern? Is it to take action and change the pattern? Can the karma be ever deleted or erased? Or is it that we can only do fresh positive karma and accumulate good fortune. Certain life situations that one has to face essentially one has to face there is no escape from them. Thats why one has to go through these challenging times, to cleanse ourself. We let go the heavy baggage and penalties. Multiple times i sit down and ponder upon these situations. I wonder could i ever have escaped those situations or surpassed them? may be never. I am sure there is a long history and mix of time & space behind each of them. I am the root ( reason) and the effect of it. Sad part is that my limited memory could not recall all those experiences of the past i can only remember experiences and events of this lifetime but i know i am not just a product of current circumstances. I have always existed through times and there were umpteen forms and human emotions i went though. So today i am a cause and an event. Though i have forgotten the causes but the events or manifestation is in my immediate environment.
Life flows through me.....endlessly.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Chal kuch dum bhar le
Kuchh samaan ikatha kar le,
kuchh chehro se waqif ho le,
Kuchh shaam ke lali chura le,
Kuchh dilo ko samet ke rakh le,
Chal kuch to dum bhar le
Yeh dagar hai lambi bahut,
aur safar hai mushkil,
Kuchh to yeh masoos kar le,
Kuchh chehro se waqif ho le,
Chal kuch to dum bhar le.
kuchh chehro se waqif ho le,
Kuchh shaam ke lali chura le,
Kuchh dilo ko samet ke rakh le,
Chal kuch to dum bhar le
Yeh dagar hai lambi bahut,
aur safar hai mushkil,
Kuchh to yeh masoos kar le,
Kuchh chehro se waqif ho le,
Chal kuch to dum bhar le.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Life in mayanagri
Was sipping my morning tea and reading the newspaper that is when i couldn't help but pen down my feelings on the most hi profile suicide case of the week, an ex miss Mauritius and a famous ramp walker gave up and succumbed to the mounting pressures of her life.
Just a few months back i wrote an article on Mayanagri, a city full of life & exuberance, a city that never sleeps but today i want to write on another aspect of this city which is hideous and dark called loneliness. A term which is not alien to anyone living in Mayanagri some point or another each one would’ve experienced it. Some were lucky to come out of it and others just succumbed to it.
One ting which people here can’t offer you is their TIME rest all is accessible .You may be in a crowd of people showing off your happy side but when you come back to your multi storey apartment their is no one to greet you or feel happy that you are back...Its absolute eerie silence which at times is obnoxious.
Today we the youth have got great ambitions , fancy cars, humungous lifestyle and can afford to own or lease a fancy apartment as we value our independence but what it is like coming back to an empty house. This city gives you riches, fame, glamour but it lacks warmth and the people here are always falling short of time. Solitude is one killer which has driven many geniuses to insanity and we all are vulnerable at some point or another.
It’s fun to be staying all by yourself proving to the world how complete & independent you are but the initial euphoria of loving your independence, doing your own thing, lack of interference, living on your own terms, calling your shots in the day today does feel powerful and like a free bird but this euphoria only lasts for a while.
Initially you would love to cook your fav dishes, do up the house, call in friends, etc etc but the sheen goes away sooner than you could fathom and then u come back to empty walls .All the glitter and razzmatazz goes away when cooking isn’t just for pleasure its a daily chore to keep your belly full and your heart kicking. As you’ve just moved in to a phase where you get pangs of solitude , friends become busier than you ever expected them to be, tired of ordering a domino’s pizza , tv sounds boring with the same stupid soaps or breaking news...
That’s the most vulnerable phase in anyone’s life and if that phase is topped up with financial or personal turmoil then you’ve had it.
But then the good part is there is HOPE & LIFE.....
Like i always say ‘Life is always transient ‘nothing is permanent, the initial euphoria goes away likewise the solitude may also not last only if you are strong enough to overcome it and come out of it as a fighter.
We do get vulnerable at times, our lives are hectic, pressure is the “word” of the day , relationships are fragile, office environment is extremely competitive & challenging. Each one is fighting his or her own battle, some with a smile and others being run down.
You smile or fret is your choice as the challenges will never vanish they will keep coming back in stranger ways and one needs to have a fighting spirit, an attitude to never give up and above all a sense of appreciation to the nature and god. It’s only when we take too much on our plate that we succumb. Why do people forget there is a supreme power that created all of us and will manage all. He always has a plan for each one of us and there is a bigger reason for us to have taken birth on planet earth. Have faith in him and count your blessings!
I end this journal by saying
• Cherish your family & friends as you never know when they are gone forever
• Have a sense of appreciation for whatever little has given you may be you are better than a million others.
• Be healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually
• Love Life, Love yourself as you have just one life so ‘LIVE IT”
Just a few months back i wrote an article on Mayanagri, a city full of life & exuberance, a city that never sleeps but today i want to write on another aspect of this city which is hideous and dark called loneliness. A term which is not alien to anyone living in Mayanagri some point or another each one would’ve experienced it. Some were lucky to come out of it and others just succumbed to it.
One ting which people here can’t offer you is their TIME rest all is accessible .You may be in a crowd of people showing off your happy side but when you come back to your multi storey apartment their is no one to greet you or feel happy that you are back...Its absolute eerie silence which at times is obnoxious.
Today we the youth have got great ambitions , fancy cars, humungous lifestyle and can afford to own or lease a fancy apartment as we value our independence but what it is like coming back to an empty house. This city gives you riches, fame, glamour but it lacks warmth and the people here are always falling short of time. Solitude is one killer which has driven many geniuses to insanity and we all are vulnerable at some point or another.
It’s fun to be staying all by yourself proving to the world how complete & independent you are but the initial euphoria of loving your independence, doing your own thing, lack of interference, living on your own terms, calling your shots in the day today does feel powerful and like a free bird but this euphoria only lasts for a while.
Initially you would love to cook your fav dishes, do up the house, call in friends, etc etc but the sheen goes away sooner than you could fathom and then u come back to empty walls .All the glitter and razzmatazz goes away when cooking isn’t just for pleasure its a daily chore to keep your belly full and your heart kicking. As you’ve just moved in to a phase where you get pangs of solitude , friends become busier than you ever expected them to be, tired of ordering a domino’s pizza , tv sounds boring with the same stupid soaps or breaking news...
That’s the most vulnerable phase in anyone’s life and if that phase is topped up with financial or personal turmoil then you’ve had it.
But then the good part is there is HOPE & LIFE.....
Like i always say ‘Life is always transient ‘nothing is permanent, the initial euphoria goes away likewise the solitude may also not last only if you are strong enough to overcome it and come out of it as a fighter.
We do get vulnerable at times, our lives are hectic, pressure is the “word” of the day , relationships are fragile, office environment is extremely competitive & challenging. Each one is fighting his or her own battle, some with a smile and others being run down.
You smile or fret is your choice as the challenges will never vanish they will keep coming back in stranger ways and one needs to have a fighting spirit, an attitude to never give up and above all a sense of appreciation to the nature and god. It’s only when we take too much on our plate that we succumb. Why do people forget there is a supreme power that created all of us and will manage all. He always has a plan for each one of us and there is a bigger reason for us to have taken birth on planet earth. Have faith in him and count your blessings!
I end this journal by saying
• Cherish your family & friends as you never know when they are gone forever
• Have a sense of appreciation for whatever little has given you may be you are better than a million others.
• Be healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually
• Love Life, Love yourself as you have just one life so ‘LIVE IT”
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Maya nagri
Yeh to Bombai shahar hai to dekh babbua...grew up listening to this song and didn't know what it means until i came here. Bombay was always full of mystery and razzmatazz for me , all i knew was the marine drive where i could sit for hours all together watching the sun go down.
It is indeed a mayanagri, hur taraf log hi log hai...bheed mein shayad kuch chere gum bhi jate hain.TIME is one thing which no one has and everyone yearns for.Education level is quite high by education i don't just mean the literacy level i mean the way people conduct themselves and the social mannerism's. Till today you see people standing in a q for bus & auto and i rarely come across anyone trying to break it.Life is fast and difficult too, the power showoff does not work here as it works in North.
People from the financial markets tell me life is tough here, deadlines are strict and at times unrealistic and pressure is the buzz word at times artificially created. It scares me , it really does.
Till now an aloof still figuring out the place , the people, the language, the routes and the food.It will take sometime , one thing i have realized is one has to learn Marathi to be able to survive here,.. as the day to day interactions with the maids, auto wallas, shopkeepers etc is vernacular.
Till now i am neutral to this city and there are many a times when i miss saddi delli ,especially the food .Oh so delicious & mouth watering and i miss my people around.
I am a stranger in this strange city,in between strange people,wandering in strange aisles,in search if strange ambitions,leading a strange life.
It is indeed a mayanagri, hur taraf log hi log hai...bheed mein shayad kuch chere gum bhi jate hain.TIME is one thing which no one has and everyone yearns for.Education level is quite high by education i don't just mean the literacy level i mean the way people conduct themselves and the social mannerism's. Till today you see people standing in a q for bus & auto and i rarely come across anyone trying to break it.Life is fast and difficult too, the power showoff does not work here as it works in North.
People from the financial markets tell me life is tough here, deadlines are strict and at times unrealistic and pressure is the buzz word at times artificially created. It scares me , it really does.
Till now an aloof still figuring out the place , the people, the language, the routes and the food.It will take sometime , one thing i have realized is one has to learn Marathi to be able to survive here,.. as the day to day interactions with the maids, auto wallas, shopkeepers etc is vernacular.
Till now i am neutral to this city and there are many a times when i miss saddi delli ,especially the food .Oh so delicious & mouth watering and i miss my people around.
I am a stranger in this strange city,in between strange people,wandering in strange aisles,in search if strange ambitions,leading a strange life.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Aamchi Mumbai

So am back again with my bags & baggage.Back to the city which never sleeps.Each time i have come here i have had a different feel to it, a very different experience. Its kind of bizaare to know that the life of a common Bombayite ( yes Mr Thakery I continute to call it Bombay )is so tough yet their attitude towards life is so relaxed. When i ask local people here they tell me ,people here are already so stressed ( Long travelling hours, hectic work life , blah blah ) that they dont have any time left to brood or crib ,they just wanna have fun. The definition of Fun varies from the dictionaray of a Delhiites ( I hate to call myself a Delhiite but that's how people address me here , The Delhi - Bombay diffence still persists ).For a Delhiite Fun means going out to a fancy DLF Mall , spending a bomb on a First day movie show , or going to a fine dine restaurant and talking about it the next day in your catch up with the joneses..the wannabe's and so called " arrived " dude's & babes...(Disclaimer - I was just born in Delhi and i am not a Delhiite ).But Fun here has a twisted meaning , I see people ( read couples ) sitting on the sea face and just talking , smiling , laughing. A group of young boys and girls giggling , an elderly couple taking a stroll...that'z their way of unwinding a hectic and stresfull day yet it is fun for them and i know when they say its fun... it trully is fun sans any pretence. I have seen couples getting soaked in the rains, i have seen couples eating kulfi in the rains. Oh what fun!! is what i said to myself and that made me realize ..these guys are different. Their life is not as convenient , their houses are not 1900 sq feet , they dont live in plush DLF condos , they might not have memberships to some pompous clubs, they might not afford to wear Satya pauls, they dont drive the most fancy cars, their house might just have one TV but the happy part is they still watch it together. A husband ,wife and kids and sometimes their elders stay with them. Sophitication is a far flung word for them, they talk in hindi with a Mumbai accent " bole to ekdum jhakkas "..but they seem to be living with an attitude , an attitue to never give up and to continue this struggle for survival and whenever they get some time..they just want to break free.
Here i am completely disillusioned as i hate to call myself a Delhiite and i am still not a Bombayite..again i am in transition and i really pray and hope this transition turns out to be life changing for me. I have no qualms shedding my opinioated opinions about life in general but i am sure the road ahead is long and interesting.
I am slowly picking up, the other day i realized i hve started saying idhar se lene ka, mudne ka, turn marne ka and all of that and i laughed...and to top it all i told my maid " tum ko parvarta hai to bolne ka ", gosh was it me ? I kept giggling thinking about it.Man its funny but its nice.
So i end by saying " Kasakai Mumbai "
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Vijay Dashmi

Time flies it seems , last year same time me , mum & piya went to kasuali and that was the best vijay dashmi we have ever had. I can just close my eyes and feel that sky even today. Who knew so much will change so soon.May be it was all destined and it had to happen the way it did. Its been quite some time i haven't prayed , i am somewhat distracted by so many events happening around me and so many changes . Life in the past eight months have been just packing and unpacking. My bags are always packed to move..but while i am moving i fail to comprehend where i actually belong to . At times i wake up middle of the night in a crises , not knowing where i am ..sheer state of oblivion. It takes me good 30 seconds to recollect my memory and consolidate to the surroundings . Change is THE word in my dictionary these days somewhat happily administered and somewhat with a pinch of salt .Needless to mention sometimes the salt becomes far too bitter :) Such is life i guess.
When i look back i just see myself flowing , flowing freely like a river, extremely flexible , no qualms and ready to merge with the ocean. I think i always wanted an ocean with whom i may merge, i never wanted to be a river by myself .For me the ocean was my destination and my identity .I have never been rigid in my life , in fact if you ask me define myself i would take sometime as i am still exploring my being.All i can say is i have travelled across traditions, across languages , across dialects , across lifestyles, across personalities and have always felt the warmth of each phase of life .I am happy living in a Irish castle and happy living in a small cottage .Haven't actually defined what all i want in life. Today i feel quite contend with all i have . I am almost on stage where i carve for a very few things and my dependency on others for providing to me is almost negligible. All my life i have been a provider to my kith & kin and everything i have achieved by myself , so now i feel i can provide for myself and am quite okay with that.
Its been a transition , not so long back i had these desires to go for a world tour to the most exotic places , acquire a pair of jimmy choo or a louis vuitton but now am over it.There is something more to my life which i need to explore rather than exploring some exotic places. I know and have learnt one HUGE lesson in life , its your state of mind which brings you happiness and if you are already reside in heaven. I dont mean to sound i have become a sage , not at all i have my own share of vices but yes somewhat mellowed and somewhat relaxed in life. bad weathers and turbulence will always be there but sooner or later a rainbow appears and we all should wait for our own little bright rainbows.
I will end the note by saying " If you want to defy , defy the ravana within you.If you want to win , win over your vices "
When i look back i just see myself flowing , flowing freely like a river, extremely flexible , no qualms and ready to merge with the ocean. I think i always wanted an ocean with whom i may merge, i never wanted to be a river by myself .For me the ocean was my destination and my identity .I have never been rigid in my life , in fact if you ask me define myself i would take sometime as i am still exploring my being.All i can say is i have travelled across traditions, across languages , across dialects , across lifestyles, across personalities and have always felt the warmth of each phase of life .I am happy living in a Irish castle and happy living in a small cottage .Haven't actually defined what all i want in life. Today i feel quite contend with all i have . I am almost on stage where i carve for a very few things and my dependency on others for providing to me is almost negligible. All my life i have been a provider to my kith & kin and everything i have achieved by myself , so now i feel i can provide for myself and am quite okay with that.
Its been a transition , not so long back i had these desires to go for a world tour to the most exotic places , acquire a pair of jimmy choo or a louis vuitton but now am over it.There is something more to my life which i need to explore rather than exploring some exotic places. I know and have learnt one HUGE lesson in life , its your state of mind which brings you happiness and if you are already reside in heaven. I dont mean to sound i have become a sage , not at all i have my own share of vices but yes somewhat mellowed and somewhat relaxed in life. bad weathers and turbulence will always be there but sooner or later a rainbow appears and we all should wait for our own little bright rainbows.
I will end the note by saying " If you want to defy , defy the ravana within you.If you want to win , win over your vices "
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Snaffu my love

I am amazed with snuffy , the way she expresses and emotes .I guess havent come across anyone who can be so expressive and so loving as her . For the benfit of those who dont know who snuffy is " she is my darling 3 yr old Lhasa apso female doggy ( read baby )". I hate to suffix a doggy to her description as under no circumstances she behaves like one. Mum was over with me for the weekend and snuffy was left behind with my sis, can you believe she quit eating as she was missing mumma so much. She talks to me on phone these days , mum just has to shout that Manu is calling and she comes happily wagging her tale and starts making those strange noises...thats her style of telling us that she misses us and wants us around.
Mum is not well today and each time she would get up and puke , snuffy will wake up and come close to mum talk to her and lick her and then go back to sleep. She wants each one of us but more than anything she wants mum.
She is a magician and she can cure people with her love & expressions.
I am so looking forward to see snuffy bear kids and gonna keep one pup with me .Dying for that day to turn up....till then Snuffy ..u rock our world .
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Raindrops falling on my head..
Today it rained, when i say it rained it means a proper shower after ages and i was so happy and just felt like stopping the car by the roadside and dancing. This is what rains can do to me, again i go back to my fairytale days when i used to dream about finding my true love in the rainy season and then that famous french kiss under the umbrella , walking hand in hand and singing" raindrops falling on my head"...haaaahhhaa now i laught it out as that was my barbie days i guess. Barbie grew up in size but may be somewhere the barbie heart didnt grow :)
I am good & loyal target client of M&B's and romantic flicks as i live each moment of their scenes and the situation . I mean its funny but i can watch Eric Seagal's Love Story a zillion times and each time i watch it , i cry . I think i was always in love with the concept of falling in love.
U know that sequence in the movie "Taal " when aishwarya is dancing in the rains and that too admist a beautifull lush green its so breathtaking and fresh in my mind as if it was me all through with her dancing. When my mum was a school going girl they used to celebrate this month called " Savan ka mahina " in which all the young damsel's used to swing on the "jhoola" in the rain and sing songs , eat loads of sweets and have so much fun..Last i saw such a swing was in Punjab ages back, never to seen again in Delhi. I have more memory of my childhood days when one of my "Jain" neghbours used to invite me over to her bunglow for the teej festival, i know nothing about the occassion but knew it would be superb fun , loads of sweets, swings , mehndi , etc etc.
Strange, i live in the past or live in the future... think its time i start living in the present.
I am good & loyal target client of M&B's and romantic flicks as i live each moment of their scenes and the situation . I mean its funny but i can watch Eric Seagal's Love Story a zillion times and each time i watch it , i cry . I think i was always in love with the concept of falling in love.
U know that sequence in the movie "Taal " when aishwarya is dancing in the rains and that too admist a beautifull lush green its so breathtaking and fresh in my mind as if it was me all through with her dancing. When my mum was a school going girl they used to celebrate this month called " Savan ka mahina " in which all the young damsel's used to swing on the "jhoola" in the rain and sing songs , eat loads of sweets and have so much fun..Last i saw such a swing was in Punjab ages back, never to seen again in Delhi. I have more memory of my childhood days when one of my "Jain" neghbours used to invite me over to her bunglow for the teej festival, i know nothing about the occassion but knew it would be superb fun , loads of sweets, swings , mehndi , etc etc.
Strange, i live in the past or live in the future... think its time i start living in the present.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Beate Klarsfeld Story
Directed by - Michael Lindsay-Hogg.
This fact-based film based in 1960 portrays a sheltered young miss, Beate, who has no concept of what went on in the wartime concentration camps, until she meets and falls in love with Holocaust survivor Serge Karsfeld and how she transforms and finds a new mission in life to put to trial all the senior nazi's officers who are currently living a guilt free and fulfilled life in Germany after killing hundreds and thousands of jews .
Its a heart warming and extremelly impressionable movie , of the hardships the couple face, their strong love for each other which stands the test of time . A strange alliance between a German girl and a jewish boy and how a german girl protects the pride of her motherland by proving those men guilty who were responsible for marring the reputation of Germany once upon a time.
After watching it , it really made me think how important it is to have a mission in life and how fortunate you would be to share that mission with your loved ones. How things become achievable if you have the will to change them.
The DVD is available on UTV motion pictures . A must watch for all the world war movie buffs and real life movie watchers.
This fact-based film based in 1960 portrays a sheltered young miss, Beate, who has no concept of what went on in the wartime concentration camps, until she meets and falls in love with Holocaust survivor Serge Karsfeld and how she transforms and finds a new mission in life to put to trial all the senior nazi's officers who are currently living a guilt free and fulfilled life in Germany after killing hundreds and thousands of jews .
Its a heart warming and extremelly impressionable movie , of the hardships the couple face, their strong love for each other which stands the test of time . A strange alliance between a German girl and a jewish boy and how a german girl protects the pride of her motherland by proving those men guilty who were responsible for marring the reputation of Germany once upon a time.
After watching it , it really made me think how important it is to have a mission in life and how fortunate you would be to share that mission with your loved ones. How things become achievable if you have the will to change them.
The DVD is available on UTV motion pictures . A must watch for all the world war movie buffs and real life movie watchers.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Dasvidaniya 2008

Today i was on a hibernation mode...i was wandering in the aisles of these twelve months which went by.May be i wanted to introspect and this evening suddenly ad mist the most adorable company i went reclusive , may be i was yearning for that tiny space of mine where i can be with myself.So came down to my blog, my only space where i can pour my emotions.
2008 was quite a year for me, i have really learnt a lot this year, professionally and personally.When i look back i am changed person.One year but a long one and a eventful one. Another chapter of my life ended and yet another began , i continue this journey of self discovery. As they say "hum to chale the akele ki kafila badta gaya aur raahi mil gayee ". That's wat life is to continuously keep walking despite of all obstacles and challenges ,just keep walking, you will bump into people ,some really nice,some adorable,some obnoxious and some simply hated but its fine...jut keep walking taking everyone along..whoever stays with you till the end is yours and the one who quits perhaps never was.
Still the journey is enjoyable and full of rich experience.In absence of darkness one cannot appreciate light ,similarly in absence of greed one cannot appreciate kindness, in absence of lust one cannot appreciate love .But it also happens at times that one gets so used to greed ,lust and darkness that when the light befalls one does not want to believe it and shuts his eyes.
It is happening to me, a strange phenomenon where i have started asking a lot of questions and have started doubting people's intent .
I know its a phase and i know the best is yet to come. I want to welcome 2009 with open arms and want to feel good about a lot of things in my life.Hopes and dreams are coming back to me and i am rejoicing those moments.No matter how small they may be but they are mine and will always remain mine.
To all those who touched my heart in someway or the other...Kudos!! to you for bringing a smile on my face whenever or however it may have been.Though today is not an official thanksgiving day but really want to thank each one who made a difference .Above all want to thank myself for being an amazing prima Donna...of a symphony called Life !!
2008 was quite a year for me, i have really learnt a lot this year, professionally and personally.When i look back i am changed person.One year but a long one and a eventful one. Another chapter of my life ended and yet another began , i continue this journey of self discovery. As they say "hum to chale the akele ki kafila badta gaya aur raahi mil gayee ". That's wat life is to continuously keep walking despite of all obstacles and challenges ,just keep walking, you will bump into people ,some really nice,some adorable,some obnoxious and some simply hated but its fine...jut keep walking taking everyone along..whoever stays with you till the end is yours and the one who quits perhaps never was.
Still the journey is enjoyable and full of rich experience.In absence of darkness one cannot appreciate light ,similarly in absence of greed one cannot appreciate kindness, in absence of lust one cannot appreciate love .But it also happens at times that one gets so used to greed ,lust and darkness that when the light befalls one does not want to believe it and shuts his eyes.
It is happening to me, a strange phenomenon where i have started asking a lot of questions and have started doubting people's intent .
I know its a phase and i know the best is yet to come. I want to welcome 2009 with open arms and want to feel good about a lot of things in my life.Hopes and dreams are coming back to me and i am rejoicing those moments.No matter how small they may be but they are mine and will always remain mine.
To all those who touched my heart in someway or the other...Kudos!! to you for bringing a smile on my face whenever or however it may have been.Though today is not an official thanksgiving day but really want to thank each one who made a difference .Above all want to thank myself for being an amazing prima Donna...of a symphony called Life !!
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Random graffiti @ Amsterdam
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A Birth & Many Days....

It came and it went a day in my dairy ,30th Nov 2008....and it added another year to my life !!
Every year i eagerly wait for this day as i expect & hope for some good fortune ( the eternal hopeful me ) year after year but the hope just doesn't subside.May be that' s the incorrigible optimist inside of me, somewhere deep down ,which tells me that the sun always shines after a long and dark night.If the night has been longer & darker may be the day will be equally brighter & sunnier...
When i say this to myself i usually shut my eyes, as with open eyes i can only see reality which is not actually quite like a sunny day rather a foggy, hazy...cold winter evening.
I sneak out of my balcony waiting....for the dawn...
....only that at times the wait becomes rather long.... long comes...Yes it will , the inside "me "' told hold on..
waiting.........waiting for the dawn
Every year i eagerly wait for this day as i expect & hope for some good fortune ( the eternal hopeful me ) year after year but the hope just doesn't subside.May be that' s the incorrigible optimist inside of me, somewhere deep down ,which tells me that the sun always shines after a long and dark night.If the night has been longer & darker may be the day will be equally brighter & sunnier...
When i say this to myself i usually shut my eyes, as with open eyes i can only see reality which is not actually quite like a sunny day rather a foggy, hazy...cold winter evening.
I sneak out of my balcony waiting....for the dawn...
....only that at times the wait becomes rather long.... long comes...Yes it will , the inside "me "' told hold on..
waiting.........waiting for the dawn
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Again..once again the self proclaimed mujaheddin have assaulted India and this time with utmost planning , technology , ammunition. In a daring & ruthless dance of death , open firing by AK 47 & 56 on roads of Mumbai in the evening of 26th Nov. The thought behind all this was to kill the financial nerve of my country , to ensure tourism is killed & foreign investment in India is affected.World is reeling under a mammoth recession and admist all this their are some heinous minds who want to plan & implement a mayhem , a bloodshed. No less than a open declared war on a country, telling the govt that we will come and hit you hard under your is disgusting & shameful!
I was text last night by a friend in Mumbai to switch on my tv, and it was 10:55pm when i witnessed the live shoot out , something i have & i wish i never see in this lifetime again.People were running on the streets of South Bombay with blood soaked clothes....Blood all over on the roads, floor everywhere.I was up & awake until 2am and then i gave up as i could not see that petrifying sight of blood...almost made me nauseatic
Woke up with a headache as slept quite late, hoping & wishing things would have improved but to my utter dismay it was still continuing.While i am writing this blog ,their is still a lot of damage being caused to my countrymen & innocent tourists , foreigners who trusted my country's security & were stying in some of the safest & up class hotels of my country.
Questions - what was the intelligence doing all this while? why did this not came in their radar? how can so many people come via sea route and carry huge bagsful of ammunition, completely unnoticed by the security? Post Delhi blasts why was the security not tightened around the financial district of India?
Why cant India take a tough stand now?How many more people will die a humiliating death? When will i as an Indian feel safe while stepping out of my house? This question is in the minds of all Indian today ? I love my country but i don't feel safe here...will this make me abandon her? may be yes , may be no...but for sure the country is answerable to all its inhabitants? we don't want more of Mumbai blasts, Godhra's, Delhi blasts..we want to lead a normal life sans bloodshed.We want to see our family safely return back home , we just don't want to survive we want to LIVE ! that is our fundamental right & its high time the administration provides the same to its countrymen.
Wake up Judiciary make laws which are stringent....make it so hard for them to even think of anything like that in future.India is not a shelter for anyone to come and ruin my motherland...yes we are hospitable but that does not entitle anyone to come and spit on our faces.
Security & Intelligence ...a far cry!! wake up and gear up.
I don't care so much about my country GDP dipping from 8.5% to 5.5% next year that much, as i care about my country getting hit time and again.We are resilient people and have stood the test of times always, Our skin has become thick and we are used to encounter floods, cyclones, earthquakes every year but we will never get used to this terror mindset.
My urge to every Indian ,pls don't see the Tv today, read the papers tdy and forget it tmrw.Its your fundamental right to live safely in your country and whenever it gets challenged you need the administration to be answerable to you, for all the tax payers who have given almost half of their earnings to the govt: ...for what ? to live under constant threat? No ways...its time to take action
I was text last night by a friend in Mumbai to switch on my tv, and it was 10:55pm when i witnessed the live shoot out , something i have & i wish i never see in this lifetime again.People were running on the streets of South Bombay with blood soaked clothes....Blood all over on the roads, floor everywhere.I was up & awake until 2am and then i gave up as i could not see that petrifying sight of blood...almost made me nauseatic
Woke up with a headache as slept quite late, hoping & wishing things would have improved but to my utter dismay it was still continuing.While i am writing this blog ,their is still a lot of damage being caused to my countrymen & innocent tourists , foreigners who trusted my country's security & were stying in some of the safest & up class hotels of my country.
Questions - what was the intelligence doing all this while? why did this not came in their radar? how can so many people come via sea route and carry huge bagsful of ammunition, completely unnoticed by the security? Post Delhi blasts why was the security not tightened around the financial district of India?
Why cant India take a tough stand now?How many more people will die a humiliating death? When will i as an Indian feel safe while stepping out of my house? This question is in the minds of all Indian today ? I love my country but i don't feel safe here...will this make me abandon her? may be yes , may be no...but for sure the country is answerable to all its inhabitants? we don't want more of Mumbai blasts, Godhra's, Delhi blasts..we want to lead a normal life sans bloodshed.We want to see our family safely return back home , we just don't want to survive we want to LIVE ! that is our fundamental right & its high time the administration provides the same to its countrymen.
Wake up Judiciary make laws which are stringent....make it so hard for them to even think of anything like that in future.India is not a shelter for anyone to come and ruin my motherland...yes we are hospitable but that does not entitle anyone to come and spit on our faces.
Security & Intelligence ...a far cry!! wake up and gear up.
I don't care so much about my country GDP dipping from 8.5% to 5.5% next year that much, as i care about my country getting hit time and again.We are resilient people and have stood the test of times always, Our skin has become thick and we are used to encounter floods, cyclones, earthquakes every year but we will never get used to this terror mindset.
My urge to every Indian ,pls don't see the Tv today, read the papers tdy and forget it tmrw.Its your fundamental right to live safely in your country and whenever it gets challenged you need the administration to be answerable to you, for all the tax payers who have given almost half of their earnings to the govt: ...for what ? to live under constant threat? No ways...its time to take action
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Down the memory lane...

I couldn't help but write again after discovering these pictures as i am feeling nostalgic!! do u remember those good old doordarshan days ? That early morning wake up by the oh so familiar chanting of the chanting i mean, it was no less than a spiritual experience.I remember how my grandpa used to put on the news every morning & unfailing we kids used to eat our breakfast watching Salma aunty ( hope u know the famous anchor ) or watching the good morning India show.Sundays were a bumper bonanza, with loads of masti. I still remember how mum & dadi used to cook early on Saturday's & Thursday's as a weekend movie had to come that evening.It was so much fun sitting together as a family and watching some stupid movie ,still enjoying it sans coke, pepsi or popcorns, sans plasma screen's or lcd's, sans judgemental attitude.The high point was that even the advertisements were welcomed & wanted unlike today , dont we still remember our favourite ads ...remember "Tandurusti ki raksha karta hai lifebouy","Titan ad's simphony",
"Yaad aa gaya mujhko guzra zamana", " Jab mein chota bacha tha badi shararat karta tha, meri chori pakdi jati to roshani hoti Bajaj...".
I still remember every sun evening a horror series used to be shown called" mano ya na mano" and all the kids used to rush back to their homes to watch it eagerly and i used to wander alone in the park as i knew if i will go home, i will find my folks also watching it .I had this huge phobia of ghosts & i just couldn't take that serial.But for Vikram & Baitaal i was ever ready,...remember the famous jingle...spider man ..spider he comes..! and those rasna packets containing some vague spiderman masks ,stickers etc.
Not to miss Mr Ameen Sayani,dont know if people remember him but for me he was the voice of India,the man who introduced Music into my life through cibaca & binanca geet mala on radio.My grandpa's murphy radio which i fondly carried along with me to the terrace, the room and the balcony despite it being so bulky...i carried music with me then & i still carry it in my heart.
Wonder where did those days disappear , when kids used to play in the parks & drive bi cycles.When their was no filter water or bisleri but we all drank tap water still remained fit.When
we eagerly looked forward to the summer vacation to visit our grandparents.When we fondly went to the vegetable market along with our parents.When we watched tv together as a family, when we ate together.When we did not have playstations, ipods,laptops,pokemon's,chat rooms but we had TRUE FRIENDS in flesh & blood! We had no mobile phones, but we always managed to find each other…. How? No one knows..We could stay out to play for hours, as long as we got back before dark, in time for dinner. We walked to school, or sometimes we even rode our bicycles.
Those days when we didn't visit psychiatrists, psychologists or counselors we just talked it out and later hugged to make up
Weren't those days truly wonderful !!
isnt it beautiful to walk down the memory lane at times :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
My collection of pic's

These are some of the random pic's i took , they say "a thing of beauty is a joy forever"..and somehow i believe in capturing all the beautiful moments in my camera besides my eyes.One thing you will always find me with a camera ( if i am out obviously), one day my canon would grow up and become an SLR :) waiting for that day...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008

Everytime i tell myself not to write same old mushy stuff and everytime i come back to tear open my heart and stand there...hoping may be someone someday will see. That day hasn't come so far and all i have today is some lonesome and some sweet memories.I dont want to be emotional but guess am made that way!! cant crib , cant blame..may be my heart is bigger than my brain, in depth, in volume , in subtance and in feelings.Of those numerous songs i sang with somebody, of those movies i saw, of those beautiful sunsets...sometimes i wish,wish to re-live those moments but then i think & tell myself , moments cant be the same as people have changed.No matter how much illusions i create around me,no matter how much ignorance i show but no one can hide the sun shining behind your wall, like the truth which never fails you
So who knows may be while walking with my stick,looking from my glasses,perfectly groomed in my grey hair, i would remember them who touched my life , even if they gave me a lot of pain & hurt.Still i will raise a toast to them as they tought me a lot and may be "i am, what i am because they loved me"? And yes i would have forgiven them by then, or may be sooner than that.But yes the questions wouldnt have died,and may be i will ask them,someday, sometime...?
I remember one of my friends used to tell me "nothing is permanent in life everything is transient". I never understood it, but now i think its correct.People change, situations change, emotions change, life changes...before you could or you would know...
Cant help but put these powerfull & beautiful lines ...which can make a dead man walk on his feet
Sitaron se aagay jahan aur bhi hain, Abhi ishq ke imtehan aur bhi hain...
Tahi zindagi se nahin yeh fizaein, Yahan sankron karevan aur bhi hain...
Kana’at na kar aalim-e-rang o bu par, Chaman aur bhi, aashiyan aur bhi hain...
Tu shaheen hai parvaz hai kaam tera, Tarey saamne aasman aur bhi hain...
Issi roz o shab mein ulajh kar na reh ja, Key teray zaman o makan aur bhi hain...
And may i dare to add my few lines to it...
Shayad koi kinara mera bhi hai, shayad mere hissen mai asmaan aur bhi hai..
Shayad kisi nighah ko mera intezar aaj bhi hai..
Shayad mere naseeb mein beintehah pyaar aaj bhi hai..
Tum kehte ho , sunder ankhein hai meri
Par en ankhon mein kuch to hai , jo yeh itni bezuban aaj bhi hai...
Ek kone mein kuch chuppa rakha hai, kya en aasuoan ko tum se pyaar aaj bhi hai?
Sochti hun thoda dum bhar lun,Shayad lamba intezaar aur bhi hai...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Aha ! how picture perfect was it in my mind before we started. I had already been dreaming of taking long walks on the hills of Kasauli , watching the sun go down and hearing the chirpy birds. My agenda was clear...complete leisure sans any form of technology ( no mobile , no laptop , no tv ).Little did i know or ever anticipated that i will end up having the worst road travel.Okay this is actually a comedy of errors..
It started around 4am on 9th oct (Pious Dusherra day ) ,our alarm snoozed and we all woke up hurriedly and took our turns to the washroom. The room was smelling of loud deodorants and perfume at 4:30am in the morning.We all had a quick bite into our so called " breakfast" thanks to mum :)) , now was the time to wait in the balcony trying to locate our driver.Off course we are smart people "The Oberoi's " you see so we had called in for a cab for our entire journey.the clock was ticking and it was already 5am and the cabby was seen no where in the radius of 5km's.So i called up the driver ( thank god for little mercy , had the driver 's cell no:)..and smartly he said he has been waiting outside a wrong address for the past half hour as he was not given my address?$?%%$^????...Nonetheless chose to ignore such a trivial situation, hence guided him and he reached our house in 15min flat.
Happy as we were to upload out stuff onto the car and merrily smiling at the apartment guards, our smiles were ear to ear" look here we go to a weekend getaway"....0.5km driven..and the driver started hurling abuses..he said "madam the car is a junk piece, no proper headlight, no rear view mirror, the brakes are not proper...and i am so disgusted with the way the driver of this car has maintained car is in much better condition"...we were shocked. I immediately called up the cab owner and told him to change the car.He said no other car available and this driver is quite experienced, 15yrs u needless to worry.
So we started, mum told him to drive safely and slowly.we landed ourselves at the main highway in few hours, we were beginning to feel hungry now so a unanimous decision was to stop at a roadside dhaba and hog on to parantha's.That was my first gastronomical delight!!...the smile was now LARGER than life and if i may use this sentence from a hindi scripture "anandam bhavati sarv sansare "...few kilometers on the highway and our sleep gets shaken by a huge thud..."dhoooom" and the car bans into o motorbike. The Mayhem begins !!!that was the beginning..then the mob collected and the police cop came, talking to me in his vernacular Haryanvi & a mix of Punjabi.The lady had bruised her foot and the bike was not getting started. Thankfully all escaped any serious damages but its India and it’s always the fault of the bigger vehicle. So here i was talking in my utmost respectable mannerism with Mr Cop & the so-called or rather self-labeled victim of the accident. Finally managed to shoo away the cop and rather settle with the " self proclaimed victim".
My altruist self empowered me and i offered that lady to sit in the car , we offered her some juice and took her to the doc.prior to that i myself tendered to her bruises , i washed it , put dettol on it and applied a bandage. Her husband wanted to be opportunistic and wanted us to shell out some huge bucks.We took his bike to a shop and offered to get it repaired. It had already costed us two hours ,loss of sanity and some money.Finally i gave up , handed over the money and left....lessons learnt!! No Altruism anymore..
Covered about 50km and guess what..we were blessed with a flat tyre :) now this was too funny & adventurous for Piya and me to handle and we just couldn't’t stop laughing. He made a joke out of it and were laughing our hearts out.That was a cute moment, our car was parked under a huge mango tree and we were sitting and playing antaksri...That was like turning an obstacle into a stepping stone.Nothing could deter our spirit and we were relaxed under the shade of the mango groove.
“Chal dhano …aaj meri izzaat ka sawal hai “…and the dhano sighed and started in a while ,uphill , berp berp…jhatka’s ..hoof hoof…monkey’s on the road to Parwanoo…hoof hoof..berp berp….jump…another jhatka and we finally reach Gharkhal…( km away from kasauli)
Unloaded our baggage and here we crash on our queen size bed.All we needed was food ,food and more of it.Hogged , a quick shower and off we go to the by lanes of Garkhal, exploring the place , the people and the local food.Piya the biggest foodie ive ever encountered …could stop herself from those chat papdi , tikki stalls & this is after her heavy lunch …oh lord bless her :)
We realized that Gharkhal holds this ram Lilia & Dusherra celebrations every year with huge fun & frolic. What would it be sitting on the terrace of our hotel under the cold and open starlit sky and watching the local flavour of theatre,simply incredible !! The best part was the battle between Ravana & Rama’s team …it was so hilarious…little kids dressed as cute monkey's were actually rolling on the ground and hitting , smashing each other
Then it was a magnanimous scene , the entire skyline of Gharkhal was lit up with fire crackers….the red’s , the green’s , the orange’s and the yellow’s…sky no longer looked blue it was filled with colors and brightness , may be this was a warm welcome to the oberoi’s :)
That was the best vijaya dashmi we’ve ever had in our lives
Next day was a complete delight .A day well planned to do NOTHING.All we did was walking on the upper mall , the lower mall road and the cantonment area and then waiting at some arbid park ( actually the cutest ive ever encountered ) waiting for the sun to go down…so that the senior Ms Oberoi could click some pic’s from her beloved cannon.There it was shining straight almost 90degrees…all I did was read , sang , looked and looked….and admired certain things in life which are so simple yet so beautiful..and so much ignored as well. May be my moments of truth !
Again the most beautiful day of our lives that will always remain like a dream in my mind.
Did I mention that steep climb to manki point…had to drag mum uphill and save shades from the monkey’’s a historic temple , they say Hanuman had put his foot on this hill while going to the Himalaya’s to fetch the sanjeevini buti.It actually is in quite a strange shape , a non believer may also tend to ponder
So next day was a day to say good bye to Gharkhal.Again all eyes were on Dhanno to drive us back safely.It took almost 15 minutes for our driver to coax Dhanno to move.It moved finally and moved till Ambala the place we ate lunch…thereafter dhanno’s engine was smoking ,,,, it was throwing up hot water.So , what next ? nothing we were stranded on Chandigarh highway with no public transport , no help…nothing.After a long long time and a huge gesture for help …did an autowala stop. How far is nearest mechanic from here ? asked mum….”almost 6 kms from here “ was his answer.No choice , so we had to tow away dhanno for 6 km’s on an auto… now who can imagine that…so we reached a mechanic’s shop and he looked at the car …looked at us and smiled and said..its better you guys dump all your hopes on this car as its engine has knocked off.Some hearts had almost berped , mine was one of them.So the oberoi’s were spotted unloading stuff and walking to the nearest stop to find any bus , taxi….rest is history….bus then a cab…finally reached HOME at 1pm.
Again said to myself “ better late than never “
No regrets , no worries , a lot of questions but now answered..All is well if it ends well…God doesn’t offer absolute happiness , there is nothing as absolute or complete or may have a tinge of darker shades for us to appreciate the brighter side of life and thank god or whoever for the merrier times we have had..
As they say”for everything you have missed , you have gained something else ;And for everyting you gain , you lose something else. Its about your outlook towards life.You can either regret or rejoice”
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Music my religion

cant describe how awesome am feeling right now , somehow i managed to get this MP3 of all mahesh bhatt movie songs...all packed in one..movies like- woh lamhe, aashiqui , phir teri kahani yaad ayee , daddy, gangster, jism. Gosh i am loving it.Think he did a lot of good work, fortunately or unfortunately he was always in controversies.But he did some remarkable movies like daddy,saraansh.
Think this lifetime is less for me to immerse my heart & soul in music & movies.I was fortunate to be introduced to Mozart, Bach & Beethoven and honestly first it took me quite an effort to listen to it, i mean hearing is different but listening with all fondness and a keen ear is different.Then i saw this movie on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's life and i was speechless, ..astounding & simply incredible.Such a maestro ever existed and we dont even know about his work & life. so now i feel like watching , seeing all this biographies and then listening to their work so that i can genuinely relate to their work and do them justice by lending my ear's..
The windchime in my room is also supporting the orchestra and that palm plant which i bought recently...ok let me imagine...may be he /she/it ( Mr palm plant suit yourself ) is also enjoying the music, or may be it/he /she is trying to remember the lyrics so that it can be played when i am asleep and i dont bother it with excess water,etc,etc .
The other day i went to this huge and beautiful shop called "Theme" they sell piano's and teach aswell.I was so thrilled as if i could join it like yesterday.Piano's are expensive hence it will be quite an expensive hobby ,but i feel my long fingers wait to touch the keys and then its me & my world of stange, unheard and silly music maybe...or maybe some heart touching chord..
until then...keep the music within you ALIVE
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The river of sorrow

....Its been sixteen days 31 lakh people rendered homeless, over 1 lakh people have already sucummed to the angry Kosi. 16 districts , 1598 villages have been swept under water. Some villages would have lost its face completely , as if they never existed. This has been the worst floods ever experienced by Bihar.As usual the government woke up after 6 days of the calamity.The govt numbers shows only 47lives as lost however you & i know the real story .Old men & women , Kids ,infants how long do you think can they sustain the mayhem of an angry kosi lashing off their fields, their dwellings ,their cattle and finally their kith & kin.
Today i spoke with some volunteers at ground zero .It is a commendable work some people are doing , people flew from Kolkatta and Orissa and providing camps to the affected.I spoke with a Doctor who is at ground zero and working in a camp looking after the medical aid for the victims , no incentive attached purely Samaritan.
Spoke with another gentleman , an industrialist based out of Kolkatta who flew with some manpower and jumped in troubled waters to save lives, is running three camps which provide food, clothing & medicine to the victims.
Govt has now started to provide food but the hungry , tired and parched souls cant wait any longer and we hear stories of govt warehouse being attacked , fights , stampede over food , medicine...who to blame? to blame that old man who has mustered all the strength to fight a 30yr old as his now orphaned grand-daughter is dying of hunger.May be she is the only one surviving and he wants to see her alive.That moment is the moment of truth when their is no difference between an animal or a man as all you need and think about is basic needs.
No you cant blame anyone.If you may or can ...blame the administration.Ask them why the help reached so late..why was their no warning , why is it in India steps are taken post the havoc had occurred. Think about US ..Gustav was on its way to New Orleans and the administration / gvt took every step to evacuate the masses.Rescue camps already being set up.Agreed we are a developing country with a growth rate of 7.5% and hit by an inflation of 12.3% and a population of over 1.3 billion but we are no less.We are the best of brains,we are the biggest software creators in the world, the 4th most powerful woman in the world is an Indian ( Indra Nooye), we rank among the top 50 richest men in the world, we rank top 10 in overseas acquisition...but we lack something .....a sensitivity towards our country and fellow countrymen.
Now the food is adequate ( as what is being told to me ) but what the villages of Saharsa, Katihar , Purnia, Mandhepura ,Ararria, Supaul need are concrete rehabilitation work.Their are women and young girls now abandoned, orphaned ,the next thing we need to do is to save them from being forced into prostitution, may be by some of the relative or some surviving family earn some bucks secure a livelihood. Bihar is one the verge of an epidemic and many more will be taking their last breath as you read this blog
I along with many of m y co workers have taken a step to encourage our colleagues to donate one day's salary to the victims.Also are putting a request to the organisation to donate some USD funds for rehab work
Have also written to my close Friends & associates to awaken to the cause and contribute in whatever way they can
Bihar needs medicine & clothing. The flood waters may take some weeks to recede, then the area will be inflicted with an epidemic, already people are suffering from gatro disorders.
Its an appeal to all those who are reading this blog.Pls contribute in whatever way you can.
NGO's participating in this cause - RedCross , CARE , Unicef ,Bihar CM fund, many more.Pls do your own due diligence before fishing out money to ensure whichever NGO you support is genuine and has some proven track records.Their are some 100 NGO's in the effected ares but are doing nothing besides taking pictures and posting on their websites.
Will keep updating my blog with more news from ground zero
Until then keep the faith !
Saturday, August 23, 2008

When i was a child and i used to see my maid's children laughing over nothing and playing with the branches of trees ,i used to feel how strange how can one laugh over inane stuff ? I mean a discussion should be intelligent ,comprehensive and dignified ..Little did i know i need to learn from them the art of being happy , truly happy ..the art to rejoice life in whatever form / whatever shape and whatever dimension.They may be far from intelligent and being literate but they can laugh on themselves and can find reasons to smile.Isn't that commendable.In today's world how many people can look at the hopping butterfly and smile..haven't we forgotten that somewhere ?
This is my ode to simplicity...all pervasive and ever charming
Kya sundarta sarvoch hai ,ya sunder hai voh ankhen jo sundarta ko niharti hai !!!
Beyond the sky....
Some times i wonder ,what next ? past ten years or so have been like a roller coaster ride.I have had small goals and plans and have worked like a maniac to achieve them.I always believed in my dream to own my house , my car , a good job and today i have it all ..Guess the thrill is not in reaching your destination the thrill is in the journey to achieve the impossible.To reach out for the sky.Today i am sitting alone and trying to create higher goals for myself.That's the only thing which keeps me busy & happy to run after my ambitions and my dreams ...I keep telling life ,Hey am coming to get ya !! Be prepared ...
Life has been quite unfair still i love it , I thank God for all the small things being bestowed upon me and my family .I am alive, i can breathe , can smell good food , can eat good things , can admire a blossoming flower or sunset ,can hear the murmur of the leaves and the chirping of the birds, can cuddle snuffy ( my dog ) and feel so loved...Isn't it all amazing! .No matter i have lost a lot in life still i don't wanna give up , want to continue on this journey until i find my final abode...
Until then ...I shall look beyond the sky
Life has been quite unfair still i love it , I thank God for all the small things being bestowed upon me and my family .I am alive, i can breathe , can smell good food , can eat good things , can admire a blossoming flower or sunset ,can hear the murmur of the leaves and the chirping of the birds, can cuddle snuffy ( my dog ) and feel so loved...Isn't it all amazing! .No matter i have lost a lot in life still i don't wanna give up , want to continue on this journey until i find my final abode...
Until then ...I shall look beyond the sky
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Life from my window

My day started quite late today ,my alarm forgot to kiss me it seems and my dreams just got over me and i snoozed for long..woke up only to realise gosh am dead late for work and may be am not upto it today.what next a lazy manu at home doing nothing,just gazing at the sky through the window of my bedroom.It rained today,dont know why am so crazy about rains ,i simply love the feel of those droplets touching my skin and giving me a shiver.
watched this wonderful movie called "Life is beautiful" and by the end of it i was awestruck as it is a peice of work ,simply incredible.
So much pain yet so much love ,so much care,love which is unconditional.May be only a parent can offer such a pious and unconditional love.For me i have always been blessed with mum's love and care,someone who adores me and prays for me, she has been my mother aswell as my father.I will always be indebted to her for whatever she has done for me.For making me the strongest woman with immense fortitude along with deep sensitivity. papa only comes in my dreams sometimes ,very faint and very distant.That's how he had always been for me ...a man whom i never knew ,a man whom the world could not know, a man who was pure hearted yet was the most misunderstood .A man who left us all , a man for whom i couldnt do much.A man who will always be my father.
Everytime i think of putting something down i tell myself not to sound so philosophical and emotional but may be that's me...and thats quite inseperable now.
Life from my window is blue and grey, with lots of rain clouds.Its silent and still just like life becomes at times...exactly when its about to unfold some mysteries or bestow you with some stupendiuos gift.I still remember being a child we use to wait for rains as it brought along lots of goodies ,mum made malpua ( indian sweet parantha) with kheer ( rice & milk in sugar syrup),oh how i used to hog on it.I can still close my eyes and relish the taste !
Today i was thinking we dont see many birds fly in the air ,or is it that we dont have time at hand to observe the nature.As a child i used to gaze at the sky looking at many birds , eagles flying high and actually parasailing.It was so much fun ! Kids today can only identify with birds through thier scrapbooks or pictures ,wonder if they will ever get to see the real thing.Life has really moved fast.
Am gonna go an sip into my cuppa coffee..
Adieous for now,will be back
watched this wonderful movie called "Life is beautiful" and by the end of it i was awestruck as it is a peice of work ,simply incredible.
So much pain yet so much love ,so much care,love which is unconditional.May be only a parent can offer such a pious and unconditional love.For me i have always been blessed with mum's love and care,someone who adores me and prays for me, she has been my mother aswell as my father.I will always be indebted to her for whatever she has done for me.For making me the strongest woman with immense fortitude along with deep sensitivity. papa only comes in my dreams sometimes ,very faint and very distant.That's how he had always been for me ...a man whom i never knew ,a man whom the world could not know, a man who was pure hearted yet was the most misunderstood .A man who left us all , a man for whom i couldnt do much.A man who will always be my father.
Everytime i think of putting something down i tell myself not to sound so philosophical and emotional but may be that's me...and thats quite inseperable now.
Life from my window is blue and grey, with lots of rain clouds.Its silent and still just like life becomes at times...exactly when its about to unfold some mysteries or bestow you with some stupendiuos gift.I still remember being a child we use to wait for rains as it brought along lots of goodies ,mum made malpua ( indian sweet parantha) with kheer ( rice & milk in sugar syrup),oh how i used to hog on it.I can still close my eyes and relish the taste !
Today i was thinking we dont see many birds fly in the air ,or is it that we dont have time at hand to observe the nature.As a child i used to gaze at the sky looking at many birds , eagles flying high and actually parasailing.It was so much fun ! Kids today can only identify with birds through thier scrapbooks or pictures ,wonder if they will ever get to see the real thing.Life has really moved fast.
Am gonna go an sip into my cuppa coffee..
Adieous for now,will be back
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Dew Drops ....

Have you seen a dew drop dancing on the leaves
She says a lot by staying still…
I have also said what I ought to
With no malice and no regrets I got to
Live a life of sanity
With I ,me and my humanity
Life comes back in full circle
Before you may or you could decipher
You’ve lost quite a bit ,you see
Or you still at it, loosing by every bit

Deja Vu!
Where do all these thoughts go? Have you ever wondered every spoken word, every thought which runs past your mind doesn’t die, it gets registered somewhere in the universe and one day it resonates. You feel a sense of Déjà vu as if you have heard this some time back, was it few years back or was it a different lifetime!
These moments have been there before or r u having a time machine. You keep going back and forth in TIME .All those thoughts come alive, you live those moments again .If they are happy moments you are overwhelmed but if they are sad moments or your fears, no matter how much you despise but you go through them all over again, don’t know for how many years or for how many lifetimes!
Sometimes your innermost fears come alive, things you’ve been apprehensive of, situations you would never want to occur to you. And one day your inner most fears come forth in your real life standing tall in front of you. What do you do then? Run away or face it ? Feel threatened or get stunned, think that its some mystical power or feel sorry.
Every nano second you would have spent on thinking something whether good or bad will come back to you some day.These thoughts manifest in the universe .Nature never forgets anything and stores all your ideas , thoughts ,actions , words & karma’s .Its like a Bank account whatever you deposit and forget about it will bring it back.It has mystical powers to keep account of not merely your actions but everything.
Faces change but emotions keep coming back. Don’t want to believe ok try something keep thinking of meeting with an accident and you are preparing yourself for one.Think of your best friend deserting you and trust me these negative thoughts will manifest somewhere in the universe and will come back to you stalking you and who knows may be it happens ,faces may change but the intensity of those thoughts will not change.
I have heard some words which I had heard before, the face which spoke these words has changed but the emotions and the pain in those words were the same.I was stunned , can this happen ,same language ,same words ,same emotions , same pain….but coming from a completely different person
These moments have been there before or r u having a time machine. You keep going back and forth in TIME .All those thoughts come alive, you live those moments again .If they are happy moments you are overwhelmed but if they are sad moments or your fears, no matter how much you despise but you go through them all over again, don’t know for how many years or for how many lifetimes!
Sometimes your innermost fears come alive, things you’ve been apprehensive of, situations you would never want to occur to you. And one day your inner most fears come forth in your real life standing tall in front of you. What do you do then? Run away or face it ? Feel threatened or get stunned, think that its some mystical power or feel sorry.
Every nano second you would have spent on thinking something whether good or bad will come back to you some day.These thoughts manifest in the universe .Nature never forgets anything and stores all your ideas , thoughts ,actions , words & karma’s .Its like a Bank account whatever you deposit and forget about it will bring it back.It has mystical powers to keep account of not merely your actions but everything.
Faces change but emotions keep coming back. Don’t want to believe ok try something keep thinking of meeting with an accident and you are preparing yourself for one.Think of your best friend deserting you and trust me these negative thoughts will manifest somewhere in the universe and will come back to you stalking you and who knows may be it happens ,faces may change but the intensity of those thoughts will not change.
I have heard some words which I had heard before, the face which spoke these words has changed but the emotions and the pain in those words were the same.I was stunned , can this happen ,same language ,same words ,same emotions , same pain….but coming from a completely different person
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Life come & Embrace me.....
Life come and embrace me. You promised that one day you’ll come …I am waiting for that day. I watch the sun rising .The crimson east. I watch it dooming and then its all ivory .I again set my eyes towards the sky ,yet I see the same
My urges say to have a close encounter with you but you never wait and walk out of the vicinity to my neighbor’s house/I watch them from my window. You are pampering them ,you are comforting them. It’s all merry there.Everthing is lighted and here I see myself in the darkness ,in the mist standing still and alone. Even my shadow has left me and gone there to experience you.My eyes wide open ,dry & constantly watching them intoxicated with joy.Words began to elude me.I want to burst out speak and shout at you.But suddenly you disappear leaving me moaningAgain, I set myself.May be some day you will meet me in some dark remote lane of the coty and bestow some happiness .These are my urges to meet you, feel you & experience you.Be my friend and never desert me
My urges say to have a close encounter with you but you never wait and walk out of the vicinity to my neighbor’s house/I watch them from my window. You are pampering them ,you are comforting them. It’s all merry there.Everthing is lighted and here I see myself in the darkness ,in the mist standing still and alone. Even my shadow has left me and gone there to experience you.My eyes wide open ,dry & constantly watching them intoxicated with joy.Words began to elude me.I want to burst out speak and shout at you.But suddenly you disappear leaving me moaningAgain, I set myself.May be some day you will meet me in some dark remote lane of the coty and bestow some happiness .These are my urges to meet you, feel you & experience you.Be my friend and never desert me
I'll Remember
I will remember the way you walked in
Like a cascade rushing into the sea
I’ll remember your soothing voice so divine, so powerful
Which added a smile to my life
Like the sun you woke me up every morning
Like the stars you made even the darkest nights bright for me
Like the moon you were always smiling
I’ll remember your words for they were my voice
For everything else I can forget
I’ll remember the way you walked out
Making me lose my voice
Making me lose my strength
I heard somebody say
That I had my last breathe that day
Like a cascade rushing into the sea
I’ll remember your soothing voice so divine, so powerful
Which added a smile to my life
Like the sun you woke me up every morning
Like the stars you made even the darkest nights bright for me
Like the moon you were always smiling
I’ll remember your words for they were my voice
For everything else I can forget
I’ll remember the way you walked out
Making me lose my voice
Making me lose my strength
I heard somebody say
That I had my last breathe that day
To the Woods !
Take me to the dark, lovely woods
Take me to the valley of flowers
Take me to Pluto
Take me to venues
Take me to mars
Take me to a place
Where happiness would be ours
Where it is not , begged, borrowed or stolen
Take me to a place
Where my voice would eco mile & miles
A place garnished with genuine smiles
Take me a place where a tiny heart would beat for me
A place where I would love to be
If these are the place too distant for me
Take me a place thy call heaven
Where my light would merge with the supreme light
And let there be light everywhere
Let there be happiness in all spheres
Let no more soul recite these lines
Let no one dream of going to the pines
Take me to the valley of flowers
Take me to Pluto
Take me to venues
Take me to mars
Take me to a place
Where happiness would be ours
Where it is not , begged, borrowed or stolen
Take me to a place
Where my voice would eco mile & miles
A place garnished with genuine smiles
Take me a place where a tiny heart would beat for me
A place where I would love to be
If these are the place too distant for me
Take me a place thy call heaven
Where my light would merge with the supreme light
And let there be light everywhere
Let there be happiness in all spheres
Let no more soul recite these lines
Let no one dream of going to the pines
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