True Self : There is a writer in me which wants to unleash itself from the mundane self. It pushes me, pinches me and pulls me to come closer to reality and self. My true self, which can only be known once you start spending time with yourself. Of knowing your being & your journey. When "self" beckons to you " follow" though its way can be hard & steep but it shall give you wings to fly. When your self talks to you, listen to it as there is a hidden path it wants you to take. question not where the path shall lead thou...as every path is illuminated by thee. Believe in that self as it is what was, what is and what shall be. Rest all is an illusion for you & me. Its in silence miracles happen, silently the wind touches the youthful leaves, silently the sun walks out of the clouds and silently the moon spreads its serenity, silently the baby grows in the womb, silently the winter turns to spring. Such is the beauty of silence and in silence buddha became enlightened. In silence Meera found true love...so how can silence take you away, it can only make you meet yourself. So do step into silence at times and meet that wonderful being you are, else you regret having not met a wonderful being.
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