Deja Vu
Where do all these thoughts go? Have you ever wondered every spoken word ,every thought which runs past your mind doesn’t die ,it gets registered somewhere in the universe and one day it resonates.You feel a sense of Déjà vu as if you have heard this some time back ,was it few years back or was it a different lifetime!
These moments have been there before or r u having a time machine.You keep going back and forth in TIME .All those thoughts come alive , you live those moments again .If they are happy moments you are overwhelmed but if they are sad moments or your fears ,no matter how much you despise but you go through them all over again, don’t know for how many years or for how many lifetimes !
Sometimes your inner most fears come alive, things you’ve been apprehensive of ,situations you would never want to occur to you.And one day your inner most fears come forth in your real life standing tall in front of you.What do you do then? Run away or face it ? Feel threatened or get stunned ,think that its some mystical power or feel sorry.Every nano second you would have spent on thinking something wheather good or bad will come back to you some day.These thoughts manifest in the universe .Nature never forgets anything and stores all your ideas / thoughts /actions / words & karma’s .Its like a Bank account whatever you deposit and forget about it will bring it back.It has mystical powers to keep account of not merely your actions but everything
Where do all these thoughts go? Have you ever wondered every spoken word ,every thought which runs past your mind doesn’t die ,it gets registered somewhere in the universe and one day it resonates.You feel a sense of Déjà vu as if you have heard this some time back ,was it few years back or was it a different lifetime!
These moments have been there before or r u having a time machine.You keep going back and forth in TIME .All those thoughts come alive , you live those moments again .If they are happy moments you are overwhelmed but if they are sad moments or your fears ,no matter how much you despise but you go through them all over again, don’t know for how many years or for how many lifetimes !
Sometimes your inner most fears come alive, things you’ve been apprehensive of ,situations you would never want to occur to you.And one day your inner most fears come forth in your real life standing tall in front of you.What do you do then? Run away or face it ? Feel threatened or get stunned ,think that its some mystical power or feel sorry.Every nano second you would have spent on thinking something wheather good or bad will come back to you some day.These thoughts manifest in the universe .Nature never forgets anything and stores all your ideas / thoughts /actions / words & karma’s .Its like a Bank account whatever you deposit and forget about it will bring it back.It has mystical powers to keep account of not merely your actions but everything
i like it..... good